
How it all started

His first few years went by with the usual attraction towards cars. His family is also interested in cars; his father is a former rally competitor. After years of actively training, the family took trips to rally races. Having seen a go-kart race in Kecskemet, he decided that this was the vehicle that could be driven at his age. From this day, he was obsessed with this race, he used to watch car-racing on TV instead of cartoons. He kept asking his parents for a car that he had seen in Kecsekemet.

Finally, at the age of seven, he got a learner's go-kart with which he was diligently doing the laps. The year 1993 brought an unpleasant surprise, as the minimum age of racing was raised from eight to ten. This meant that two more years had to pass with lots of practicing and doing many miles. More and more weekends were spent in Kecsekemét, as this was the most suitable track for go-kart racing


Finally, he became ten years old, which, at that time, was the minimum age for racing. After spending several days on tracks and doing an infinite number of laps he finally toed the mark for a trial race on 15th April, 1995. The first surprise came when they heard the order of the cars at the start: he was able to start from the very first position at his very first race. Even more surprising was the race itself with him keeping the first position throughout the race.

This immediately aroused curiosity, since the participants he had left behind had been fighting for championship for one or two years. In the second round, he doubled his victory in the same style as he did previously. The race was succeeded with a thorough technical check-up where it was decided that all parts of the go-kart are in accordance with the standard specifications.

The starting bib 346 had proven to be lucky. No one at that time could foresee that the above will happen in every single race that year: out of twelve races he became the Hungarian champion with 12 wins.


In this year, everybody wanted to see the former champion's appearance in the cadet category. The number 301 was the reward of last year's win - this number is the first of its category. The starting races of the year resembled that of the last year: continuous victories. Unfortunately, this came to an end at the beginning of the summer - in spite of the precise training, the engine of the go-kart failed to work properly on the track, so the battle for points became fiercer.

Keeping the leading position with a difficult strife, he managed to become Hungarian champion again. This year brought another position on the platform for the first three positions - out of the twelve races, six were arranged to be a joint Austrian - Hungarian race. This means that the 80 ccm category vehicles competed with the 80 ccm tuning vehicles of the Austrians. There was a joint evaluation on these races, which resulted in him gaining the third position in the Austrian championship.


1997 was the year of changes, since due to his results so far he was allowed to compete in the ICA Junior A category at the age of twelve. This meant a much bigger workload, as he was to compete with a vehicle of 100 ccm engine and on a twice as long distance. Therefore, winning his first race against pilots with more superior vehicle was a really huge surprise. This obsolete go-kart, however, played an important role in the coming races - it failed to work in the most crucial moments of each race, so, due to the lack of a backup-engine, our racer was but a viewer of the battles fought on the tracks. At the end of a year full of difficulties and trials, he managed to score enough for the third place of the championship. We are convinced that this position was earned because of his talent and his skills as a driver.


In 1999 he managed to get back on track with the help of his former club. The results met the expectations in this year as well. He repaid the support with several first, second and third positions; in the championship, this has brought him the third position.
In the same year he was able to show his talent in international grounds as well, since Hungary was the location of the Eastern-European Zone cup where he won both races - the fact that for three years there had been no Hungarian winners added to the glory.


At the age of fifteen (with permission to race at such a young age), he started in the category of Formula-A, where the minimum age is 18 years. This is the toughest contest of Easter-Europe with the greatest number of participants. In spite of his very young age, he has performed outstandingly, gaining fifth place - not to mention, that there had been financial difficulties that made entering the competition very difficult.
For three years after this, due to the lack of sponsors the practical part of this sport was put on a halt.


In spite of talent and intentions, the lack of sponsors only enabled him to practice in the virtual world. This brought its results as well, since in 2000 he won the official national championship of Gran Turismo 2. As a reward, he was able to join in 2003 the newly starting Shell V-Power Racing Renault Clio Cup racing events under the flag of PlayStation 2. Despite the fact that he was not able to take part in all races, he gained the 12th position out of 40 participants.


In 2004, as a will of fate, he was unable to stand in line for the first two races just like in 2003. At the age of 19, as the youngest of a large (40) number of participants, he fought tough and exciting battles during 10 races. As a result, he gained five 1st, three 2nd and one 3rd position and dropped behind with only 8 points from the winner.


As the successful performance of the previous year roused interest, a new management and a new sponsor backed him up with a full season of the Shell V-Power Racing Renault Clio Cup - as a result, he gained the first position. Out of 12 races, he earned the 1st position six times and the 2nd position four times out of 38 competitors.
As a result of his performance, he was given the chance to try out other branches as well. With the help of the sponsor Red Bull he raced in Estoril at the Red Bull Formula Junior Team talent race, which is held on one of the most popular racing track - his results were one of the best.
In the meantime, he was making successful tests at GreenLight Racing and waiting for his chance to prove. On 10th September, 2005 he raced in Chicago at the ARCA Remax SK - after the qualifying rounds, he managed to start from the 13th position with 41 fellow competitors for the 200 miles long race. Unfortunately, he was pushed out 20 rounds before its end from the ninth position. Even professionals from the US paid a tribute to his talents.


In 2006, he received an invitation for two races for the Mazda RX-8 cup. Before the day of the race, it was the first time since he has ever sat in a racecar like this. In spite of this, he won both races, however, without further supporters, he took part in further races only as viewer.
He hopes that in 2008, he can again show what he is capable of on the tracks


After a long absence Gyuri returned to the racing world in Hungary at Hungaroring. He raced at the Suzuki Bio Cup. He entered in two races and finished 3rd on both occasions. He wasn’t familar with the car at all so it was considered as a great result. Later this year at Pannoniaring Hungary Gyuri enterred BMW E30 Challange in the Austrian Championship. He has never raced in this challange before. He didn’t make a qualifying lap, so he started from the last position (41st). On the first race he finished 10th, on the second race he got used to car more and finsihed 3rd.

US Carrier 2005-2008

In the meantime, he was making successful tests at GreenLight Racing and waiting for his chance to prove. On 10th September, 2005 he raced in Chicago at the ARCA Remax SK - after the qualifying rounds, he managed to start from the 13th position with 41 fellow competitors for the 200 miles long race. Unfortunately, he was pushed out 20 rounds before its end from the ninth position. Even professionals from the US paid a tribute to his talents.